Fathom the mind. Heal the world.®

To successfully navigate the monumental issues facing humanity, we must understand the mind.
The Center for Contemplative Research offers to the world unprecedented long-term access to the contemplative technology necessary to study 1) consciousness and 2) genuine well-being. Cultivating a deepening understanding of consciousness can advance our contemporary understanding of the nature of reality and enable us to develop better methods for healing ourselves and the world around us.

Mind Labs
Mind labs where contemplatives-in-training complete thousands of hours of full-time meditation practice, under guidance from expert teachers and in longitudinal collaboration with the scientific community.

Research that integrates evidence from full-time contemplatives-in-training and collaborators in other fields such as neuroscience, psychology, and physics, toward deeper understandings of consciousness and genuine well-being.

Education curricula for self-inquiry, grounded in time-tested contemplative tools for exploring inner experience and cultivating resilience, creativity, and contentment, to equip current generations with empirically validated tools for flourishing.
Global Reach
The CCR is employing a replicable model for developing mind labs, with its headquarters in Colorado and a second campus underway in Tuscany, Italy. An additional center is now being planned for CCR Asia Pacific.
The CCR’s founders are world experts on the convergence of science, philosophy, and religion, with decades of experience in contemplative practice, teaching, and research.
B. Alan Wallace, PhD
A foremost scholar of Tibetan Buddhism and science, Dr. Wallace has collaborated in research yielding dozens of peer-reviewed publications, written over forty books exploring the nature of mind, and led thousands of contemplative practitioners in retreat.
Eva Natanya, PhD
A specialist in comparative religion, Dr. Natanya is a scholar of Indian and Tibetan Buddhism and Christian theology, and has served in many capacities as a contemplative teacher and practitioner, academic lecturer, translator and editor of Tibetan texts, scholarly writer, and retreat leader.
Scientific Advisory Board
Including a Nobel laureate and a winner of the Templeton Prize, the CCR’s Scientific Advisory Board is composed of prestigious scholars bringing important interdisciplinary perspectives from academic fields including physics, neuroscience, and philosophy.